Inside Instagram’s Content 2021

Instagram gained popularity by being a simple, straight-forward, easy-to-use, platform without the bells and whistles other social media platforms have such as Facebook and LinkedIn. However, as the years go on, we are noticing more and more features appearing on the platform. Here are the top six of them explained. Take an Instagram Lesson orContinue reading “Inside Instagram’s Content 2021”

Social Media Superlatives

What if all of the Social Media CEO’s went to high school together? Here are the superlatives they would get in their yearbook. Congratulations to all graduates of 2021!!! If your original dreams don’t come true, may you stumble upon a new one that gives you more purpose than you could imagine. LinkedIn wins mostContinue reading “Social Media Superlatives”

Newsletters, Blogs & E-mails. What’s the Difference and Who Cares?

You have all heard of Newsletters, Blogs and E-mails but few of you stop to think about the differences between them how each might meet your needs. This blog post will provide insight into the world of online writing. Newsletters Dictionary Definition: A newsletter is bulletin issued periodically to the members of a society, business, or organization. RealContinue reading “Newsletters, Blogs & E-mails. What’s the Difference and Who Cares?”

Live. Love. Travel.

There are many reasons why it’s important to travel. Traveling is escaping. It’s getting a break from your daily routine and jumping into a new life for a little while. Traveling isn’t always a vacation at a luxurious resort; stressful scheduling, making new friends, getting lost, being confused, and having the time of your lifeContinue reading “Live. Love. Travel.”

Building the Right Team

It’s important to always surround yourself with people who support and motivate you. Family, friends, and employees should all make you excited for whatever is ahead. Here are some tips for hiring the right people: Ask the important questions in the interview This is a given, but ask questions that are scenario based and whatContinue reading “Building the Right Team”


One of the most important aspects of any culture, is communication. We are constantly communicating, but most of us do not communicate as well as should. Through our words, body language, and tone, meanings behind what we are saying and doing can become misunderstood and can create problems. This is particularly imminent online. When usingContinue reading “Communication”

The Professional World versus The Dating World

Here are some simple ways to help you separate a business meeting from a romantic date…it can be difficult to tell the difference! …Right? If a potential client doesn’t call, be persistent. Call to follow-up or stop by their business/office to say hello. If your date doesn’t call, do not call them or stop byContinue reading “The Professional World versus The Dating World”

Start Off the New Year with Jillian’s Circus

In need of some extra cash? REFER A FRIEND! If they sign up for a contract with one of Jillian’s Circus’ five main packages, Jillian will pay you $100 in cash! The five main packages include: The Unicycle: This package is for those who have the time to post and reply on various social mediaContinue reading “Start Off the New Year with Jillian’s Circus”

Social Media Demographics

Problem: You’re interested in using social media in order to gain new consumers and build a brand community, but you are not sure which platforms to focus on. Solution: Take a look at your target market and see which social media platform demographics the client base most fits into. You should focus on two. SpecificContinue reading “Social Media Demographics”

Website Launch!

On November 21st Jillian’s Circus website will be launched! Jillian’s Circus is a business consultant company that specializes in social media marketing. Some companies overlook the importance of social media, and some are just not sure how to optimize it. Let Jillian’s Circus help you with your social media marketing efforts, a company that worksContinue reading “Website Launch!”